A Consistent Life:
the young advocate's guide to living peace & justice daily

Now available!
A holistic guide which offers activists, young and old, practical ways to support the marginalized and rehumanize the dehumanized. Readers will participate actively in education, discourse, and action to uphold the inherent dignity of all human beings.
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Support for A Consistent Life:
"A Consistent Life is a wonderful day-to-day guide in living a life complete with the understanding of what it is like to be in another's shoes..."
–Kirk Bloodsworth, First death row prisoner exonerated by DNA
"Coltharp and Murphy have created a guidebook to educate, inspire, and guide us all towards building a world that respects the humanity and restores the dignity of the most disenfranchised, marginalized members of our global and local communities. It is an invaluable tool we can all use to effect change now while building toward deep, sustainable transformation."
–Catherine Glenn Foster, President & CEO of Americans United for Life
"If the world's many injustices paralyze you into doing nothing, because where would you even begin? — begin with this book."
–Kelsey Hazzard, President and Founder of Secular Pro-Life
"All of us committed to defending human life struggle with the challenge of what we can usefully do to counter the many types of violence in our world. This book meets this need by identifying an array of specific steps we can take to turn our convictions into action. A clear and engaging guide penned by and especially geared toward young people, A Consistent Life is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to respect and defend human life and dignity."
–John Whitehead, President of Consistent Life Network