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重新人性化 DC/马里兰州/弗吉尼亚州

Savannah 是一名全职工作的妈妈,有 2 个 2 岁以下的孩子。她与其他几个人一起着手在华盛顿特区、马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州地区组建和维护 Rehumanize 的第一章。她的日常工作需要招募和参与志愿者,组织社区外展活动,并让儿童和成人参与各种困难的话题。她最近在社区外展中增加了教孩子们关于一贯的生活伦理的内容。她和她的丈夫将时间花在促进人权、参与激进主义活动并教授人类尊严的重要性(尤其是那些被边缘化的人)。

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Melba Aguilar

Educator, Consistent Life Ethic Republican candidate

Melba is a teacher and former engineer who ran for state representative in New Mexico as a Republican on a consistent pro-life platform. Her perspective on whole-life advocacy is informed by her experiences with childhood poverty, teen pregnancy, and having a child with congenital anomalies, as well as her Catholic faith.

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COSI 委内瑞拉

Secretario General del Comite de Solidaridad Internacional y lucha por la Paz / 国际团结与争取和平委员会秘书长。

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驻塞尔维亚的国际产前司法和残疾倡导者。人类生命伦理学智库 Etički 阵线(Ethical Front)的创始人。倡导拯救唐氏综合症,这是一个全球性的唐氏综合症倡导组织。 Rehumanize International 新招聘的特约撰稿人。哲学硕士。

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亚伯拉罕·博诺维茨 (Abraham Bonowitz) 是“死刑行动”的联合创始人兼执行董事,该组织是在美国寻找打击处决和死刑的行动机会的地方。自 1980 年代后期以来,安倍一直是废除死刑运动的主要组织者之一。迄今为止,他参与了全国范围内的每一次立法废除胜利,并在许多尚未完成工作的州活跃。安倍曾在全国废除死刑联盟、希望之旅……从暴力到治疗以及美国大赦国际的董事会任职。他帮助发起了许多直接行动和非暴力的公民抵抗活动,并曾十次因抗议死刑而被捕。在短暂离开反死刑工作后,安倍是塞萨尔·E·查韦斯基金会的原始工作人员之一,1994年至1997年在加利福尼亚参加了许多农场工人运动活动。他与妻子住在俄亥俄州哥伦布市、儿子、两只猫和一只狗。




萨布丽娜·史密斯 (Sabrina Smith) 是一位充满爱心的少女母亲,当时她因在密西西比州 9 个月大的儿子死亡而被错误地定罪。在被监禁六年半之后,其中两年在死囚牢房中,她后来被免除了所有不法行为。她是美国第一位被免于死囚牢房的女性。她现在致力于改变立法,决心让系统变得更好,让其他人,尤其是年轻人,不必经历她所做的事情。




Anita Cameron 于 2017 年 1 月开始担任 Not Dead Yet 的少数族裔外展主任。她会见了国家和州的政策制定者,并从有色人种社区的角度撰写了有说服力的关于反对辅助自杀公共政策的文章。卫生保健。自 1986 年以来,安妮塔一直在 ADAPT 做志愿者,这是一个全国性的草根残疾人权利组织。在 32 年的参与中,她已升任国家领导职务。她曾两次被邀请到白宫,会见了三位现任美国总统和两位副总统,帮助组织了一次全国游行,并由已故获奖作家和历史学家霍华德·辛恩 (Howard Zinn) 出版了一本书。她拥有伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校的生物学学位和丹佛社区学院的计算机信息系统学位。


Jack Champagne


A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, Jack Champagne currently works as an educator in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has formerly worked for the Capital Habeas Unit of the Federal Public Defender's Office, The Innocence Project, and The Southern Poverty Law Center.

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Thad Crouch

Choose Life Abort War Podcast For Peace

Recovering Army veteran. Activist. Podcaster. Former Consistent Life Network national program coordinator. Thad stands for life, freedom of Conscience, human rights, social justice, nonviolent conflict resolution, and peace. Shocked and betrayed by a command who deceived him into training tortuous death squads, he lived with his enemies for three weeks and transitioned from an angry-veteran war protestor to a healthier, more effective, consistent activist. His 28 years of peace activism, 24 years of Conscientious Objection to military taxation, 8 years of Pro-Life/Consistent Life and 6 years of climate activism include Veterans For Peace, Christian Peacemaker Teams, 40 Days for Life, and Pax Christi.


David Daleiden

Center for Medical Progress

David Daleiden is an investigative journalist who went undercover for 30 months to expose illegal activities of abortion industry. He is also the creator of numerous videos currently under gag order, some released in 2015, that shocked the country and exposed the criminal activity of many facets of the abortion industry and how tax payer dollars fund research using fetal organs harvested from born alive babies. David is the catalyst who caused Congress to do an investigation into the abortion industry, and led many states to defund Planned Parenthood.

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Jeri A. Fields, M.Ed, M.Div

DC Peace Team

Jeri Fields, M.Ed and M.Div, is a former educator who serves in her community as a first responder chaplain with a longstanding commitment to the spiritual well-being of all of God’s people. She holds a Professional Certificate in Restorative Justice from Vermont Law School. Jeri is inspired by the transforming and healing powers that occur within restorative processes that offer safe spaces to be brave and vulnerable as personal stories are shared openly with authenticity, deep listening, and respect for others. In her professional and personal life, she is passionate about restorative justice practices and is an enthusiastic member of the Restorative Justice family of the DC Peace Team.








Herb Geraghty 是 Rehumanize International 的执行董事,该组织是一个世俗的、无党派的、非营利的组织,致力于通过教育、话语和行动来结束对人类的一切形式的侵略性暴力。赫伯作为政治上独立的反堕胎无神论者的独特地位打破了接触人口统计数据的障碍,这些障碍往往未被主流反堕胎运动所利用。同样,赫伯与许多政治右翼人士在堕胎问题上的共同点使得在战争、酷刑和死刑问题上进行了富有成效的宣传。 Herb 热衷于与不同政治派别的人建立桥梁并找到共同点,以呼吁每个人在争取人权的斗争中更加一致。




Guy Feugap 先生是喀麦隆国民,是一名中学教师、作家和和平活动家。他的总体工作是教育年轻人和平与非暴力。他的工作特别将年轻女孩置于解决危机的核心,提高了他们社区对几个问题的认识。他于 2014 年加入 WILPF(妇女国际和平与自由联盟),并于 2020 年创立了超越战争的世界喀麦隆分会。

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Lauren Handy 是 Mercy Missions 的创始人,这是一个肯定生命和反种族主义的组织,它使用非监禁解决方案来争取我们的集体解放,这是从受孕到自然死亡在安全和可持续社区中茁壮成长的自由。劳伦毫不掩饰地支持生命,直面死亡文化!




凯瑟琳·格伦·福斯特 (Catherine Glenn Foster),硕士,法学博士,是美国第一个全国性的反堕胎组织和美国首屈一指的反堕胎法律团队 American United for Life 的总裁兼首席执行官。自 Roe v. Wade 以来,AUL 的法律策略师参与了美国最高法院审理的每一个反对生命的案件。 AUL 是基于州的示范立法战略的先驱,该战略致力于挽救今天的生命,同时破坏最高法院在计划生育诉凯西案中采用的所谓“依赖”利益:女性“依赖”的错误观念堕胎是为了在美国社会取得成功。

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Dr. Leonie Herx

Canadian Physicians for Life

Dr. Leonie Herx is a specialist palliative care physician in Kingston, Ontario, Associate Professor and Division Head of Palliative Medicine at Queen's University, Clinical Director for Palliative Care at Providence Care Hospital, Chair of the Royal College Specialty Committee in Palliative Medicine and a Past-President of the Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians.

Leonie is passionate about advocating for the integrity of holistic palliative care — “medical assistance in living” (MAiL), maintaining its distinction from euthanasia, and ensuring clinicians have a right to follow their conscience. She has written multiple academic articles and chapters, editorials and general media pieces about palliative care, and has been an invited speaker on this topic to national and international parliamentary committees and medical association meetings, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK.

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Cherilyn Holloway

Pro-Black Pro-Life

Cherilyn specializes in initiating tough conversations surrounding racial equity including the womb. Cherilyn travels the country educating our community about the negative messaging they receive regarding Motherhood and the sanctity of life. Cherilyn is an author and a thought leader. Her point of view has been sought after by ABC as part of their series, “Soul of a Nation.” Her candor about the state of Motherhood in the Black community brings stale and erroneous assumptions out into the open for examination and review.

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Taylor Hyatt

Disability rights activist

Taylor Hyatt worked in disability policy from 2015-2020, including serving as an advisor to a Member of Parliament. Ms. Hyatt is a former member of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition’s board and the Council of Canadians with Disabilities’ Ending-of-Life Ethics Committee. She served as Policy Analyst at Toujours Vivant-Not Dead Yet Canada from 2017-early 2020, and testified before the Canadian Parliament’s Justice Committee in November 2020. Ms. Hyatt’s articles and interviews have appeared on CBC, Global News, and the Ottawa Citizen. She lives in Ottawa, Canada. In her spare time, she can be found with her nose in a book, exploring local food and music venues, or spoiling her chubby cat.




Izadi 的研究和教学兴趣是跨学科的,专注于美伊关系和美国公共外交。他的著作《美国对伊朗的公共外交》讨论了乔治·W·布什和奥巴马政府期间美国在伊朗的沟通努力。 Izadi 在国家和国际学术期刊和主要手册上发表了许多研究。 Foad Izadi 博士是 World BEYOND War 董事会的成员。他是德黑兰大学世界研究学院美国研究系副教授,教授硕士和博士学位。美国研究课程。 Izadi 获得了博士学位。来自路易斯安那州立大学。他在休斯顿大学获得经济学学士学位和大众传播硕士学位。 Izadi 曾在 CNN、RT(今日俄罗斯)、CCTV、Press TV、Sky News、ITV News、Al Jazeera、Euronews、IRIB、France 24、TRT World、NPR 和其他国际媒体担任政治评论员。他被许多出版物引用,包括《纽约时报》、《卫报》、《中国日报》、《德黑兰时报》、《多伦多星报》、《世界报》、《每日电讯报》、《独立报》、《纽约客》和《新闻周刊》。

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Kathy Kelly

World BEYOND War, Board President

Kathy Kelly is a peace activist whose efforts have sometimes led her to living in war zones and prisons. She and her companions believe that “where you stand determines what you see."
She and an ad hoc circle of internationals have been assisting young Afghans to resettle in safer havens. She co-coordinates the, is board President of World BEYOND War, (, and is planning the 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal (


Stephanie Midori Komashin, M.Div


Stephanie Midori Komashin,M.Div,是北海道教育大学旭川分校特聘讲师,北海道大学哲学与宗教博士生。她在日本的非宗教、无党派 NPO 法人円ブリオFundesenta(NPO Houjin Enburio Kikin Sentaa [胚胎基金中心])做志愿者。她的出版物包括子宫内生命博物馆の俳句·短歌(Haiku and Tanka Respecting In-Utero Life)(2021),《生态学和经济学如何将 Winstanley 和 Nitobe 带入贵格会》(2019);亚太地区的贵格会(2017 年),以及关系自我如何重新安排女权主义者和儒家之间的辩论(2016 年)。

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Cecelia Lester

Feminists Choosing Life of New York

Cecelia Lester is Vice President and Social Media Director for Feminists Choosing Life of NY. Cecelia has a background in fine arts and currently teaches art to students grades K-8. She lives with her husband and family in Rochester, NY.

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Missy Martinez-Stone


Missy Martinez-Stone is the national leading expert in abortion facility closures. Missy began her pro-life career with Students for Life of America and became their National Field Director. She oversaw the growing team of Regional Coordinators and helped Students for Life cross the threshold by helping over 1,000 student groups. Missy has traveled the country working with young people, training and equipping them to be revolutionary pro-life activists. She’s been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Christian Broadcasting Network, and many other media outlets. In 2020, Missy helped incorporate Reprotection, a national pro-life watchdog group that investigates and shuts down abortion facilities that violate state health and medical codes. Reprotection has shut down two abortion facilities in the past two years, stopped three abortion facilities from opening, and has ongoing investigations in over 30 states.

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Sonja Morin

Rehumanize New England, Consistent Life Network, Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising, Massachusetts Citizens for Life

Sonja Morin is a Catholic, consistent life ethic advocate, and community organizer, currently pursuing a BA in Graphic Design at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. She currently works as a Communications Consultant for Consistent Life Network, co-leads the Rehumanize New England chapter, organizes for PAAU, and serves on the Board of Directors for Massachusetts Citizens for Life. Her work encompasses several other established organizations, including Students for Life, Boston Pro-Life Future, and Live Action. Sonja currently resides in the Boston area. She enjoys reading, exploring, photography, and music.




Aimee Murphy 是 Rehumanize International 的创始人,这是一个无党派、世俗的组织,致力于通过教育、话语和行动来结束对人类的所有侵略性暴力。通过她与 Rehumanize International 的合作,Aimee 正在向全球各地的人们传达一致的人权信息,并正在创建和参与有效的对话以改变人们的思想和思想。她曾出现在 MSNBC、Maria Claire、Cosmopolitan、《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《VICE 新闻》等新闻媒体上。她目前和她非常支持的丈夫、他们的狗以及——本着热情好客的精神——住在匹兹堡,无论哪个朋友走进墨菲家。

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Debra Dean Murphy

The Center for Restorative Justice at West Virginia Wesleyan College

Debra is a Professor of Religious Studies and Co-Director of the Center for Restorative Justice at WV Wesleyan College. She is the author of two books, numerous articles and essays, and is currently working on a project related to climate grief. She uses the circle process with students and with unsheltered and newly-housed folks in Clarksburg, WV.

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迈克尔 J. 新博士


Michael J. New 博士是美国天主教大学的研究助理和夏洛特洛齐尔研究所的副学者。作为达特茅斯学院的 Phi Beta Kappa 毕业生,New 博士于 2002 年获得斯坦福大学的统计学硕士学位和政治学博士学位。New 博士研究并撰写关于生命神圣性问题的社会科学。他就支持法律的积极影响以及公众对支持生命的立场的支持进行了介绍。他是 National Review Online 的“The Corner”的常客。




Maria 是一位敬业的活动家和艺术家,作为阿拉巴马大学的平面设计专业学生,她在 Rehumanize International 实习期间负责监督四本学生杂志的创意方向。除此之外,她还参加了学生终身威尔伯福斯奖学金,并在 2017 年毕业之前领导了她所在大学的支持生命的学生团体 Bama Students for Life。她于 2018 年 9 月被聘为 Rehumanize International 团队。她经营着 Rehumanize's社交媒体页面,设计所有材料,编辑 重新人性化播客,并担任主编 重新人性化博客

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Carrie Perham

Feminists Choosing Life of New York

Carrie Perham is a board member for Feminists Choosing Life of NY. She became active in the pro-life movement after moving to Rochester, NY to begin a job working for various pro-life organizations as a creative strategist. She has been privileged to help lead successful campaigns that have prevented local Planned Parenthood expansion. She is honored to be a part of FCLNY's work and believes that their message to reveal the truth about femininity and the violence of abortion is a message that every man and woman needs to hear.




Mayra Rodriguez 是亚利桑那州三个计划生育诊所的前任主任,曾是计划生育协会 2016 年年度员工,并且是一位勇敢的举报人,他赢得了 2019 年针对计划生育协会的不当终止诉讼,并获得了 300 万美元的赔偿金
损害赔偿。在计划生育协会工作的 17 年中,Mayra 目睹了与安全和健康相关的严重违规行为,包括不完全流产、伪造患者记录、非法行为、未报告的法定强奸、因流产而严重受伤的妇女以及高并发症率
一个特定的堕胎者。 Mayra 对这些事件的报告遭到了骚扰、敌意和解雇。


今天,Mayra 是反对堕胎的有力倡导者,是女性和未出生婴儿的拥护者,并被驱使揭露计划生育危险做法背后的真相。梅拉将那些在人行道上祈祷的人的信仰和上帝的神圣慈悲归功于她回归天主教信仰以及对抗堕胎歌利亚并取得胜利所需的力量。




Hamza Shaiban 是加拿大也门社区的主席。他于 2011 年移居加拿大,并在多伦多大学完成了学士学位。他现在住在多伦多。他是一名社区组织者,并领导了许多倡议,以提高人们对沙特领导的对也门战争的认识,并倡导加拿大结束与沙特阿拉伯的数十亿美元的武器交易。哈姆扎经常在小组演讲中分享他在也门战争中的个人经历,并提高人们对沙特战争和对也门封锁造成的也门人道主义危机的认识。




Luke-Peter Silke,23 岁,是爱尔兰终身学生组织的发言人。他是一位出版作家和记者,目前是爱尔兰戈尔韦国立大学创意写作/艺术专业的学生。他是 Peadar Tóibín TD(Meath West 的议员和爱尔兰反堕胎政党 Aontú 的领导人)的议会秘书助理。




Monica Snyder 拥有加州大学伯克利分校的化学生物学学士学位和加州大学戴维斯分校的法医学硕士学位。她是一名无神论者,十多年来一直共同领导世俗亲生活。 Secular Pro-Life 致力于推动反对堕胎的世俗论点,并建立希望更多参与反堕胎工作的非传统反堕胎人士联盟。


Sarah Slater

Rehumanize International

Sarah comes to Rehumanize International with a goal of building capacity among staff and ensuring a long and stable future for the organization. A pacifist, Sarah has previously worked in event planning, community development, donor relations, and nonprofit administration. Sarah has a M.A. in Theology from Duquesne University, where she focused on Catholic Social Teaching. Her thesis addressed moral philosopher Josef Pieper’s use of the theology of Thomas Aquinas in Pieper’s works on the virtuous life in society. At Rehumanize, she develops and sustains relationships with the organization's donors and supporters and maintains compliance with government mandates for nonprofit organizations. Sarah's work allows other Rehumanize staff to concentrate their efforts on implementing projects to spread our consistent life message across the globe.

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Stephanie Stone 毕业于美国天主教大学,她目前担任 Pro-Life Generation 的 Student for Life 中东区域经理。她之前曾在 Live Action 和国会山工作。她的作品曾出现在 Breitbart 和 Fox News 等多家新闻媒体上,她的作品也曾出现在媒体研究中心的 NewsBusters 上。她曾在马里兰州、哥伦比亚特区和弗吉尼亚州的校园发表演讲。在担任 SFLA 首都地区区域协调员期间,她培训了数千名学生,并在大学校园内就堕胎话题进行了数千次对话。 Stephanie 继续从事 Pro-Life 工作,为人权而集会,并为整个 DC、MD 和 VA 地区的无辜者挺身而出!

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大卫斯旺森是一位作家、活动家、记者和电台主持人。他是 的联合创始人和执行董事,也是 的竞选协调员。斯旺森的书包括战争是谎言。他在 和 上写博客。他主持谈话国家电台。他是诺贝尔和平奖提名人,并被美国和平纪念基金会授予2018年和平奖。

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Michele Sterlace

Feminists Choosing Life of New York

Michele Sterlace-Accorsi grew up experiencing poverty and, at times, homelessness. She quit high school when she was 17. She later earned her GED and graduated magna cum laude from New York University, while working full-time. While a mother of four young children, at age 37, Michele’s experiences inspired her to advocate for vulnerable populations. She completed her Juris Doctor degree from the University at Buffalo School of Law.

Michele began her legal career as a trial attorney for those seeking custody of abused and neglected children. She continued this work at the Children’s Legal Center in Buffalo, serving as a children’s attorney. Seeing the needs of the community, Michele advanced her studies by attending the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine Law School. While a student at Pepperdine, she worked in the U.S. District Court. She assisted the mediation program director with prisoner rights cases and other civil litigation for the disenfranchised.


In 2017 she completed her studies and her youngest child, born during her first semester of law school, stood proudly by her, as she graduated with a Masters of Law in Dispute Resolution from the Straus Institute.


Michele is the paradigm of a pro-life feminist, a role model for equal opportunities for the poor, for women and their children, born and unborn.




Anj(饰演 Sunrise Transparence)是洛杉矶的一名辅导员、教师和音乐创作者。 Anj 曾在从华特迪士尼音乐厅到洛杉矶市中心的蓝鲸爵士俱乐部,从 Wanderlust Hollywood 到奥克兰的八达通文学沙龙,以及无数特别活动、研讨会和课程的场地演出。 Anj 是南加州大学(音乐产业学士,Magna Cum Laude)和加州大学洛杉矶分校(视觉媒体作曲硕士)的奖学金获得者,并且还获得了 LMU 扩展计划的音乐治疗和声音治疗证书。 Anj 将来自前沿音乐和补充治疗模式的实践与个人体验和实验发现相结合,在人类朝着真理、理解、代理与和平的持续旅程中恢复和尊重个人经历(包括超验的和创伤的)。

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Martha Villafuerte 是 FAMILIA ECUADOR 的创始人兼董事,该组织致力于告知、准备和激励社会提高声音并为生命价值而战。 5 年前,她正式开始举办讲习班并以演讲者的身份参加会议,专注于基层技术,并赋予传播生命的信息,为年轻人提供工具,让他们在自己的社区成为 prolife 演讲者。她还与国会议员在政治伙伴之间建立了一条强有力的道路,她在整个国会面前向 137 名国会议员中的每一位发表讲话,建议厄瓜多尔政府需要建立家庭部并促进更多的家庭法。

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Heather Thompson

DC Peace Team

Heather Thompson is passionate about reforming the system and structure of incarceration in our country. Her greatest passion is restorative justice, a pursuit she nurtures through the DC Peace Team as a volunteer circle keeper and facilitator of workshops on circle keeping, victim-offender dialogues, anti-racism, and other restorative practices. She has helped develop the restorative justice training curriculum and tailors it to the needs of the community.

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Kristin Turner

Pro-Life San Francisco

Kristin is the executive Director of Pro-Life San Francisco, which has been on the front lines in the fight against unethical fetal research since 2019. She is also a progressive, atheist, vegan, feminist and social justice activist from Northern California, as well as the communications Director for the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.


Anj Vancura/Sunrise Transparence

Space Anemone Music and Sound

Anj (performing as Sunrise Transparence) is a Los Angeles-based facilitator, teacher, and music creator. Anj's experience includes designing and teaching classes, workshops, and intensive programs, engaging participants of diverse experience and skill levels; sonically facilitating mindful, meditative, and spiritually explorative/expressive spaces; working as a live sound engineer; and maintaining an active performance and composition/production presence in a variety of genres and ensembles for nearly two decades.


Emiliano Vera

Rehumanize International and Consistent Life Ethic Democratic candidate

Emiliano is co-Vice President of Rehumanize, podcast director, contributor and translator for the blog, and member of the Board since 2021. They have followed the Consistent Life Ethic movement since high school and got actively involved in college at Northwestern University, serving as Vice President of NU Students For Life and organizing in several social justice groups. They ran for State Representative of the Illinois 93rd as an openly CLE Democratic candidate. Emiliano holds a Master's from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla and currently lives in Mexico with his partner and two pets, Cezy and Xaza.




Emiliano Vera 是 Rehumanize International 的董事会成员,也是 Rehumanize 播客的主持人。他将为 Gabriel Aguirre 翻译“帝国主义全球视角”小组。




蒂姆·温赖特 (Tim Wainwright) 是天主教社会行动组织的执行董事,该组织致力于在公共生活中推进天主教一贯的生活伦理。

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James Yee 于 2003 年担任关塔那摩湾战俘营的美国陆军穆斯林牧师。他反对虐待关塔那摩囚犯,随后因此被单独监禁 76 天。易牧师于 2005 年 1 月光荣地从美国军队退伍。他是《为上帝与国家:信仰与爱国主义》一书的作者,该书扣人心弦地讲述了他在关塔那摩的经历和为正义而奋斗的故事。

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Greta Zarro 是 World BEYOND War 的组织总监。她有基于问题的社区组织的背景。她的经验包括志愿者招募和参与、活动组织、联盟建设、立法和媒体宣传以及公开演讲。 Greta 毕业于圣迈克尔学院,获得社会学/人类学学士学位。她之前曾担任纽约组织者,负责领导非营利性食品和水观察。在那里,她就水力压裂、基因工程食品、气候变化和公司对我们共同资源的控制等问题进行了竞选。 Greta 和她的搭档经营着 Unadilla Community Farm,这是一个位于纽约州北部的非营利性有机农场和永续农业教育中心。可以通过 联系 Greta。


Dina Windle

Journey of Hope from Violence To Healing

Victim of violent crime in which the defendant was put to death in Arkansas. Advocate against death penalty and spoke on behalf of the defendant. Criminal investigator with Public Defender, NJ. Follower of Christ.


Christy Yao Pelliccioni

Consistent Life Network, Rehumanize DMV

Christy Yao Pelliccioni started with Rehumanize as an intern in 2017. She then became Rehumanize’s first staff writer in 2018. In 2019, Christy was elected to the National Committee of the American Solidarity Party. She currently serves as President of the Consistent Life Network and is active in her local Rehumanize chapter, Rehumanize DMV.

Christy currently works in elder care and is studying towards a Masters in Professional Writing from Towson University. She lives in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC with her wonderful husband Ethan, beautiful baby Nathaniel, and mischievous dog Rumplestiltskin.

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