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Patronage for 1 year on articles concerning the euthanasia and assisted suicide: you can help take Life Matters Journal's magazine to the next level! By becoming a patron, you support articles concerning a topic that matters to you in 4 issues/year. It functions as a donation to our work, specifically for author and editor stipends to make our work even better.

1 yr Patronage - Articles on Euthanasia


    ikike nwebisiinka niile Rehumanize International 2012-2022, ma ọ bụrụ na edeghị ya na usoro.
    Rehumanize International na-emebu azụmahịa dị ka Life Matters Journal, Inc., 2011-2017. Rehumanize International bụ aha Azụmahịa Ime Azụmahịa Dị ka aha Life Matters Journal Inc. sitere na 2017-2021.


    Rehumanize International 

    309 Smithfield Street STE 210
    Pittsburgh, PA 15222


    Ajụjụ izugbe: 740-963-9565

    Ajụjụ gbasara ego/onyinye: 412-450-0749

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