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Machine Vision

By David Cordaro

2nd Place, Visual (3D), Create | Encounter 2022

Please download the PDF below to view additional photos of this project and read an explanation of the artist’s process.

Artist Statement:

The piece “Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Nicholas of Tolentino” was completed by Lorenzo Lotto (Italian (Venetian) around the year 1522. This piece of art beautifully represents the culture of life, specifically the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and calls attention to our own personal suffering, life, and death. As a tear falls from the elderly Saint Jerome’s eye, hand to chest and holding the crucified Christ, we see Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, wearing the black habit of the Augustinian Order, holding a lily, a remembrance of death and rebirth. But the most pivotal part of the piece is the Child, alive in human form, sitting atop a casket, something we very rarely see.

With my 3D reproductions of a portion of this piece, I wanted to explore life, birth, and death through the eyes of a Machine; Machine Vision. Much of our lives are spent with machines; computers, iPhones, cars, buildings can even be seen as machines. How do they interpret us, and how do we live with these machines? Each of the six representations take a look at the same portion of the image, replicating them and from there we can draw and take into account many meanings: our multifaceted lives, perception based on our world-view, how machines can provide life and take it away, and even how time changes us all. This is a bold wake-up to the realities of life, begging each of us to dive deeper to see the full reality of our surroundings, listen to the pleas of others, and embrace our own death.

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