Happy New Year! As you may know, the month of January is typically one of the most active months for those of us who work to educate and organize around issues of human rights and dignity. January holds several unfortunate anniversaries: the first execution in the United States' modern era, the opening of the Guantanamo Bay Military Prison in the context of the War on Terror, and of course the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout in this country. All of these events have resulted in horrific violence, discrimination, and dehumanization against our fellow human beings. While we mourn those lost to the violence of war, torture, abortion, and the death penalty we also must take this time to activate to end these injustices. That is why each year in January we must make sure to get out in our communities to make our voices heard on these important issues. Read below to see what we're up to this month!

Art of Guantanamo Discussion (Virtual) January 6th Register here to join Rehumanize DMV for a discussion on humanizing through art in the context of Mansoor Adayfi and other Guantanamo prisoners' art made while detained. March for Life Chicago January 8th At 12:30 PM Rehumanize International will be meeting outside the main Chicago March for Life rally. Meet at the corner of W Adams St and S Dearborn St in front of the Department of Labor Building. Stand Up For Life March and Rally in Columbia, South Carolina January 8th At 11 AM meet-up with Rehumanize Allied Group SC Dems for Life at USC Russell House on Greene St. Rally to Close Guantanamo: 20 Years of Detention & Torture at the White House January 11th January 11th, 2022 marks 20 years since the opening of the Guantánamo Bay detention center. Since its opening, 780 men have been detained there — all Muslim. Today, 39 of these men remain. Most have never been charged with a crime. Thirteen have been cleared for transfer, but are still imprisoned there. We are co-sponsoring this rally with Witness Against Torture and other allies to call the Biden administration to keep their promise and #CloseGuantanamo for good. We will begin gathering at 11:30 AM and the rally will begin on Pennsylvania Ave in front of the White House at noon. Vigil to Stop Executions in Washington DC January 16th We are co-sponsoring this "Voices of Experience on the Death Penalty" event in Washington, DC on January 16th. The event will be held at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 East Capitol St NE, Washington, DC at 6 PM. Stop Executions! Death Penalty Protest on the 45th Anniversary of the First Post-Furman Execution at the US Supreme Court January 17th We will be participating in protests with our allies in the Abolitionist Action Committee at the Supreme Court and the United States Capitol to call for an end to executions. Meet-up with us at 9 AM in front of the Supreme Court. National March for Life in Washinton DC January 21st We will be meeting up at 11 AM at the corner of Constitution and 12th (exact location: 38°53'31.3"N 77°01'41.9"W) — look for our large “Respect Existence or Expect Resistance” banner. We will be having a slate of powerhouse pro-life speakers and even a special musical performance. You can plan to attend the meet-up & then make your way over to the official March for Life Rally or hang out and march with us. Visit our Facebook event here event for more information. We will also have a table at the March for Life Expo at the Renaissance hotel from January 19th through the 21st. Cardinal O'Connor Conference (Virtual) January 22nd I will be speaking at the 2022 Cardinal O'Connor Conference on the topic of the Consistent Life Ethic! Free tickets are available at www.oconnorconference.com/register.

I hope you can join us if we'll be in your area for any of these events! If you can't join us please donate to help cover gas costs, hotel rooms, as well as printing signs, buttons, and literature to give out at these events. rehumanizeintl.org/donate Thanks so much for reading. Peace, Herb Geraghty Executive Director
Rehumanize International
PS: At all of our in-person events we'll be sure to have free signs, buttons, and more! If you can't make it you can get some for yourself on our webstore at rehuamnzieintl.org/shop.