Women in Need of Complete Information on the Pill
Influences on the Vulnerable: Abortion and Assisted Suicide Decisions Are Not So “Private”
Our Identity Remains the Same Throughout Our Entire Life
"Many That Live Deserve Death" - But The Fellowship Suggests Taking Courage Instead of Tak
What's in it for the Born?
Women & Girls in The Wizard of Oz
A Red State Ends the Death Penalty: How Conservatives in Nebraska Came to Reject Capital Punishment
We Are Beloved
Rejecting Mass Murder: Looking Back on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
A Pro-Life Analysis of Obergefell v. Hodges
“The Crowning Savagery of War”: A Mormon Condemnation of the Atom Bomb
True Life: Choosing Life
In Memoriam: Rose Evans (1928-2015)
Why the Campaign Against ISIS Must End: A Just War Analysis
Mercy as the Highest Form of Patriotism: Thoughts on the Tsarnaev Sentence
But God, He Did It First!
Tricked: Documentary Film Shines Light on Human Trafficking in the U.S.
Being Pregnant in College Just Got Easier
Physician-Assisted Suicide: Contrary to Human Dignity, Promises of Medicine
Moral Intuition, Logic, and the Abortion Debate